Refund and Returns Policy

We understand that there will be cases where you are not satisfied with the product you receive and wish to return it. We are happy to support you with a return within 30 days from the date you receive the product from us.

Return Conditions

To be eligible for a return, you must meet our following conditions.

– The product is no more than 30 days old from the date you received the product from us

– The product has not been used, has not been washed and is not soiled, discolored or damaged due to your fault

– Has labels, packaging and purchase invoice

– The product and accompanying gifts (if any).

Shipping costs

If the return arises from your personal needs, you will be responsible for all shipping costs to send it back and this fee will not be refunded.

In the event that you receive a defective item, we will cover all return costs.

Return method

As soon as you receive the goods and have a need to return them, please contact us immediately via: support@ After receiving the request, we will respond to you within 24 hours.

After confirming, we will have instructions on how to send the goods back to us


– We may ask you to provide evidence of product images, videos or purchase invoices from you.

– We will not accept return requests for orders that do not contact us in advance.

Refund method

If your order meets the requirements for a refund, we will notify you and proceed to refund you. The refund will be paid through your original credit account. It will take a while for the refund to be completed, please wait.

Late Refund

If it has been too long since the notification date and you still have not received the money, do not worry, please check your account again because it may be due to an error in the banking system that has not been updated. Otherwise, after checking and waiting, you still have not received the goods, please contact us at: [email protected]

Change or cancel the order

Within 24 hours of placing the order. If you have any requests, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can resolve them promptly.

Contact us

Phone number: +1 406-813-1764

Email: [email protected]

Address: 975 The Alameda, Berkeley, CA 94707, USA

Working hours: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm from Monday to Saturday